Weight Watchers Points Menu Plan

Weight Watchers Points Menu Plan

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Weight Watchers is a diet program with millions of members in over 30 different countries around the world.

It was founded by Jean Nidetch, a Brooklyn homemaker, in 1963. Nidetch and a group of friends in Queens, NY, started meeting once a week to talk about how to lose weight.

Today, Weight Watchers is an international company and the largest commercial weight loss program in the United States (U.S.). Approved by many physicians, it is available in various settings, from the local community to the workplace and online.

The program includes regular meetings, self-help type learning sessions, group support, and a points system. The dieter aims for a target weight or a body mass index (BMI) of between 20 and 25, considered the ideal range.

This article is part of a series called What are the eight most popular diets today?.

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Personalized plans, meetings, one-to-one coaching, and online tools help dieters achieve their goals.

Community is important for Weight Watchers. It provides a support network for people who want to lose weight. This, they say, is essential for both short-term and long-term success.

The support system provides ongoing positive reinforcement for dieters. Attempting to lose weight can be stressful, but community support can make the process less daunting.

Weight Watchers members attend regular meetings, where they learn about nutrition and exercise, as well as having their weight loss progress monitored.

Anyone can join Weight Watchers, as long as they are at least 5 pounds (lb), or 2.3 kilograms (kg), over the minimum weight for their height.

Busy people who cannot attend meetings can sign up to the online community.


Apart from group meetings, Weight Watchers offers one-on-one coaching and a personalized action plan. A personal coach can help the individual make a plan that suits their lifestyle and routine.

Members can communicate with their coach by email, text, or phone.

Weight Watchers dieters are not restricted to specific foods or activities. Instead, they use a point system to monitor themselves on a daily basis. This makes them accountable for their weight loss activities each day. Members can record smart points on their mobile device.

The point system helps people lose weight over the long term.

Points depend on fat, sugar, and protein. The higher the protein content, the lower the points gained. The higher the fat and sugar content, the more points that food has, and the less you can eat.

The points encourage members to change their dietary habits, to eat more fruit, vegetable, and lean protein, and less fatty, sugary food.

Here is an example:

  • an egg is worth 2 points
  • two tablespoons of low-fat cheddar cheese are worth 1 point
  • chopped tomatoes, onion and fresh herbs are worth 0 points
  • one tablespoon of olive oil is worth 1 point

A person who eats a 2-egg cheese omelet fried with olive oil and sprinkled with tomato, onion and herbs uses up 4 points. If their target for the day is 30 points, they now have 26 points left.

A person will aim to achieve within a certain range of points, depending on how heavy they are and how much weight they need to lose.

A person who weighs 150 pounds, for example, will aim to gain 18 to 23 points a day. Someone who weighs over 350 pounds may aim to collect between 32 and 37 points in a day.

Members also can gain "Fit points" for activities such as cleaning, walking, or gardening.

An etool can be used to record the points digitally.

Each person has their own daily and weekly target points to meet in their own way, but within the limits agreed.

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Members who keep within a certain weight range during the Maintenance period do not pay to attend meetings.

After an initial weight loss period, members can reach their target weight. At this point, they enter a maintenance period. Their daily allowance increases by 6 points, but they continue to track their food intake and activity levels.

For 6 weeks, they gradually increase their food intake until they are neither losing nor gaining weight.

During these 6 weeks, there are regular weigh-ins. If a member manages to stay within 2 pounds, or 0.91 kg of their target weight during the 6-week period, they then become a "Lifetime Member."

Lifetime Members can attend any Weight Watchers meeting free of charge as long as they weigh in once every month, and do not stray from their target weight by more than 2 pounds or 0.91 kg.

Lifetime members who drift from their weight target range have to pay weekly for meetings. They can then recover their Lifetime membership by going through the process again.

Findings published in The Lancet in 2011 suggested that patients who were referred by their doctors to Weight Watchers lost about twice as much weight as those on standard weight loss care over a 12-month period.

The researchers concluded:

"Referral by a primary health-care professional to a commercial weight loss programme that provides regular weighing, advice about diet and physical activity, motivation, and group support can offer a clinically useful early intervention for weight management in overweight and obese people that can be delivered at large scale."

Another study, published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, found that adults who attended at least 2 in every 3 Weight Watchers sessions for 6-months significantly reduced their fasting glucose and insulin levels, as well as losing weight.

In 2011, researchers described Weight Watchers as a "useful first line weight loss intervention" for the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) to refer patients to if they needed and wanted to lose weight.

A review of 45 studies, published in 2015 in Annals of Internal Medicine, suggests that Weight Watchers may be a suitable program for physicians to recommend to patients who wish to lose weight.

Anyone who is considering a radical change to their diet should discuss plans with their physician first.

Dieters can either join a Weight Watchers program online or in person, and they can opt for meetings only, or they can add an online option, individual coaching, or both. Attending meetings is recommended.

The features offered include:

  • Food and activity tracking
  • Personalized goals
  • Weekly group meetings
  • 24/7 online chat support
  • Synching with fitness trackers
  • Private weigh-in every week
  • Guidebooks and resources
  • Personal coach and unlimited one-on-one phone sessions

The Weight Watchers website provides a wide range of recipes to help their members lose weight and engage in a healthier lifestyle.

The cost of joining Weight Watchers depends on the package and the location of the meetings. A monthly pass gives access to unlimited meetings and etools. It may be cheaper to buy a 3-monthly subscription.

Weight Watchers Points Menu Plan

Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/149454


68 Bathroom Vanity

68 Bathroom Vanity

What Are Some Design Ideas for Small Bathrooms?

Photo Courtesy: NelleG/E+/Getty Images

Redecorating the rooms in your home can bring some chaos, but it also brings a lot of excitement as you watch an entirely new look come to life in rooms that had become mundane and dated. The long-term enjoyment and satisfaction you get from a newly redesigned bathroom, for example, is more than worth the short amount of time you spend completing the work.

When you're decorating a particularly small bathroom — or any small room — you have to make the most of every bit of available space. From creating practical spaces to letting your design imagination shine through, you could take your new bathroom in many different directions. Let's take a look at some great design ideas for small bathrooms.

Go Bold with Wallpaper

Wallpaper may seem like a dated idea, but many of today's modern prints and designs look nothing like those blocky, geometric designs from days gone by. Bold prints and striking patterns that might look overwhelming in a larger space can really shine in a small bathroom. Choose an accent wall and decorate it with bright colors or a punchy pattern or go dramatic and wallpaper the entire bathroom in a textured print.

Photo Courtesy: Tracy A. Woodward/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Keep Counter Lines Clean

If you have an ample budget, changing your bathroom counter can really change the entire feel of the bathroom. Choose a design that adds crisp, clean lines to the space. Decorative finishes and scalloped edges may seem fancy and tempting, but they can distract from the rest of the room and diminish your counter space. Additionally, patterned designs on the walls call for "non-busy" counters and accessories to avoid a cluttered feel.

Photo Courtesy: FluxFactory/E+/Getty Images

Add a Design Element to the Ceiling

If decorating the walls isn't your style or you don't have a lot of open wall space, consider adding an eye-catching design element to the ceiling instead. Drawing visitors' eyes up to the ceiling helps create the illusion that your overall bathroom space is much larger than it actually is, according to Elle Decor.

Photo Courtesy: David Papazian/Corbis/Getty Images

Consider a Floating Sink

Okay, so maybe floating sinks don't really float, but these types of pedestal sinks with no surrounding counters almost give the impression they are really suspended in midair. This sink style allows you to eliminate bulky counters and cabinets by skipping the traditional bathroom vanity. If counter space isn't important to you, look for a modern floating sink with minimal plumbing to keep your walls and floor tidy.

Photo Courtesy: John Lovette/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images

Think Outside the Shower Stall

Traditional shower stalls and bathtubs take up a lot of valuable space in a tiny bathroom. If you've got the budget for a full replacement, consider turning your standard bathroom into a European-style bathroom with an open shower and drain on one end of the room, partially separated by a transparent sheet of laminated glass.

Photo Courtesy: Onzeg/E+/Getty Images

Try Hanging a Towel Bar

If you plan on keeping the counter and you need more counter space, hang a towel bar (or two) to free up space. These bars can hold standard hand towels or even full-size body towels in most cases. This use of vertical storage space saves some of your limited square footage for other uses. As a bonus, you can find plenty of towel bars with decorative designs to spruce up your walls as well.

Photo Courtesy: Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Bring Some Natural Light In

One of the biggest problems in a small space is the lack of light, and dark rooms with poor lighting look not only dismal but also seem much smaller than they actually are. If your bathroom has a window, install decorative blinds or a window shade in a color and material that lets some natural light in, even when the blinds are closed or the shade is pulled down.

Photo Courtesy: Catherine Falls Commercial/Moment/Getty Images

Spring for an Oval Mirror

You know how funhouses always have halls and rooms with funky mirrors in them? The logic is simple — mirrors are great at creating optical illusions. Oval mirrors, in particular, create an illusion of height, and every mirror reflects both artificial and natural light to make rooms much brighter. Place an oval mirror over the sink or an open wall to add brightness and create the illusion of extra height in your small bathroom.

Photo Courtesy: tulcarion/E+/Getty Images

Use Ledges or Shelves for Storage

If you're completely remodeling your small bathroom, consider choosing a shower and tub enclosure with storage ledges in the walls. If your do-over isn't that extensive, you could hang shelves in the shower enclosure or above the sink. Ledges and shelves are great for storing shower and hair products that you don't want cluttering your counters.

Photo Courtesy: Image Source/Getty Images

Choose Flexible Storage Options

As much as you want to avoid clutter in a small bathroom, it's inevitable that you need certain items in the room. The storage items you choose are determined by the style choices you make throughout the room. If you opt for a pedestal sink, you might be able to slide a basket with fresh towels underneath it. If your shower doesn't have shelves, then look for a hanging shower caddy to drape over the shower head to hold your supplies. If you hang a shelf near your sink, pick up some cute containers to place on it to hold your toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and other essentials.

Photo Courtesy: MIXA/Getty Images

More From QuestionsAnswered.net

68 Bathroom Vanity

Source: https://www.questionsanswered.net/lifestyle/10-design-ideas-small-bathrooms?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740012%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex


French Country Master Bathroom

French Country Master Bathroom

French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration round-up. A great way to get your creative juices flowing before you dive into your own space makeover!

French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration

How do you prefer to get started on a project?

Are you a total design natural, and you know exactly what you want right away?

Do you need someone else to come in to give suggestions?

Or are you like me, and need a good Pinterest session looking for just the right inspiration starting point?

I've gathered some of my favorite French Cottage Bathroom inspiration images that are helping me figure exactly the feel I want for our current bathroom remodel.  While these bathrooms vary in size and shape, I love to pick and choose favorite elements from each space and figure how I could work or rework them into our bathroom.  This is typically how I always start a project, proceeded by planning a design board and what products we need to purchase.  (View our before images and design board here).

Feel free to relax and get comfortable while I show you some wonderful inspiration below, and I'll follow it up with some design sketches my husband did for our space while we were in planning mode.  If you simply want more bathroom inspiration, take a look at my curated Bathroom Pinterest Board which has all sorts of goodies.

*Disclaimer – I work hard to find the original source for these images.  However, I don't always succeed in my search.  Where the original source cannot be found, I have linked to the Pinterest source where I did find that image.  Hopefully that helps.

I think open shelving adds character to any space.


We have a small bathroom, with almost this exact layout.  This image is proof that even small spaces can be very beautiful . . . and when possible, adding a window can make a huge difference.


I love the marble border here with the drop in tub, and the glass doors make it feel very spacious.

Source: Home Bunch

I have to throw in our own Master Bathroom makeover – simply because I want to be sure our home flows together well 😉

Bathroom Refresh + My Bathroom Cleaning Essentials
Bathroom Refresh + My Bathroom Cleaning Essentials


The bead board 2 toned walls look great in this space.


This French style dresser turned vanity is absolutely stunning!

Source:  The Pretty Blog

Dreamy Whites never disappoints!  There is much to love about this space, but I'm always a big fan of built in recessed shelving.

Source:  Dreamy Whites

The simplicity in this space is lovely to me, and I can't get enough of that small marble shelf above the sink.  Brilliant!

Source:  Vintage Whites Blog

This classic marble floor and tub surround will never go out of style.

Source:  Maison De Pax

No one does French style quite like Courtney from the French Country Cottage.  Her bathroom spaces are full of inspiration.

Source:  French Country Cottage

French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration

Source:  French Country Cottage

Another great example of open shelving.

Source: Pinterest

I've been dreaming of a lace shower curtain panel, much like this one.

Sourc:  Bed Bath and Home

I'm convinced any cottage space needs a touch of blue.

Source:  Chans Furniture

A lovely example of delicate white on whites.


I'm still debating the wall treatment for our space, or if I should just leave it plain.  But this white bead board and walls seems to add a nice cottage layer to it.

Source:  Pinterest

Marble with white walls and touches of gold!  Yum!

Source:  Decor Pad

This is some lovely styling for a bathroom.  The styling stage is my absolute favorite!

Source:  Designenthusiasm

This lovely image is so perfectly cottage to me.

French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration

Source:  Witch Cottage

Another touch of blue in a well designed small bathroom.

Source:  Tidbits and Twine

I'm looking at the wall trim and open boxed shelving in this image.  Some things to consider.

Source:  The Golden Sycamore

Love the curves and detail on this vanity below.  Not to mention the mirror and all that white!!

French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration

Source:  Beautiful South

Another bead board wall detail and curvy vanity.

Source:  Heart Handmade UK

Proof that a lace shower curtain can be a beautiful touch!

French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration


Finally, while we were designing, my husband took some of my ideas and sketched them up.  I think he missed his calling in life 😉 . These are some great sketches, don't ya think?

French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration
French Cottage Bathroom Inspiration

As we've begun this project, some things have changed due to availability and resources.  But those initial sketches helped us immensely in getting a better visual feel for what we could and could not do in our bathroom.

I'll be sure to keep you updated with our progress!

Thanks for reading!

French Country Master Bathroom

Source: https://www.tidbits-cami.com/french-cottage-bathroom-inspiration/


Wallpaper In Bathroom With Shower

Wallpaper In Bathroom With Shower

  • We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article.

  • Looking for bathroom wallpaper ideas? From delicate damasks to ditsy florals and the latest tropical patterns, bathroom wallpaper can prove a quick and easy way to dial up designer style in your bathroom. It can prove more affordable than tiling, and the latest 'paste the wall' and 'peelable' papers are easy to switch when you're ready for a change.

    With our inspiring suggestions below it's easy to see why wallpaper is such a popular decorating choice for bathroom ideas.

    Can you use wallpaper in a bathroom?

    There will always be naysayers, but the general consensus is that a properly ventilated bathroom, with a window and extractor fan, will happily accommodate wallpaper. Do keep it away from direct contact with water. The odd splash is okay on a washable paper, but no manufacturer will recommend installing 
it touching a bath, basin or shower. Then you're just asking for trouble…

    Bathroom wallpaper ideas

    1. Pick a point of focus

    white tiled bathroom with flamingo wallpaper above sink

    Image credit: future PLC/ Rachael Smith

    Use a bold wallpaper design in a bathroom to create a point of focus. this elegant white tiled bathroom dedicates a surface area above the sink to show off the famous Cole & Son Flamingo wallpaper in all its glory. Above the sink and behind the mirror is the ideal place to captivate those using the bathroom. Using the wallpaper design in a soft blue colourway helps to add a watery touch to the design – ideal for a bathroom colour scheme.

    2. Protect surfaces

    bathroom with butterfly wallpaper and black freestanding bath

    Image credit: Future PLC/ Serena Fokschaner

    When using a wallpaper in the bathroom you can never be too careful when it comes to protecting the surface, to ensure it withstands the elements of bathroom life. This characterful bathroom is entirely papered with a delicate butterfly design, that is stylish yet subtle in equal measure. To protect the paper around the points of water flow the taps are mounted on a protective marbled splashback.

    Thanks to the wispy grey trees on the paper the light marble tile coordinates perfectly to offer an almost seamless way of incorporating a layer to safeguard the paper from water splashes.

    3. Make waves with a subtle seascape wallpaper

    white bathroom with light grey waves wallpaper and sea green blind

    Image credit: Future PLC/ Polly Eltes

    A subtle wallpaper goes a long way to enhance a bathroom decorating scheme. Often the main aim of a bathroom is to create a calming sense of serenity, creating the perfect place to pamper ourselves and take time out to relax – meaning a calming colour scheme is welcomed. In a softly hued room you don't want a wallpaper to overpower, it should add pattern but without making the room feel busy. Waves are the ideal pattern, as they set the scene of tranquil beach life.

    4. Go for large-scale pattern in a bigger bathroom

    bathroom wallpaper idea with matching colours

    Image credit: Future PLC/ Brent Darby

    If you have the space go big and bold with the pattern to allow the design to dominate. Match the tones within the paper design to that of your tile choices to ensure a cohesive colour scheme, to balance the overall look.

    5. Make a bold statement with colour

    yellow bathroom wallpaper behind black basin unit

    Image credit: Future PLC/ David Giles

    Use a wallpaper with a vibrant background colour as a small bathroom idea to enliven the space and make it feel more impactful. Using the bright wallpaper on a wall with windows will help to illuminate the space and also prevents the wall from feeling overpowering – thanks to the blocks of natural daylight breaking through the pattern.

    6. Draw on pattern to distract from radiators

    tree print wallpaper on bathroom wall beside sink

    Image credit: Future PLC/ Colin Poole

    Use bold pattern on walls where. you may wish to distract from fixtures and fittings. Perhaps you have an unattractive radiator or an overbearing towel rail that you want to conceal. A statement pattern can go a long way to drawing attention away from the other design features on the wall. Colour coordinate towels to the wallpaper to camouflage them into the background.

    7. Add pattern behind open shelving

    Wallpaper behind bathroom shelving unit

    Image credit: Future PLC/ Dan Duchars

    Papering behind open shelving in any room is always a great. way to add interest, especially in bathroom where the shelves are mainly for displaying luxury toiletries and jars of bath salts. choose a design that is captivating but not overbearing, to ensure the openness of the shelves is retained – this soft foliage design is perfect, welcoming a touch of nature into the space too.

    8.Elongate walls with a corner of pattern

    Bathroom with flamingo wallpaper and white metro tiles

    Image credit: Future PLC/ Lizzie Orme

    In a long slimline bathroom throw the decorating scheme off balance to help create the illusion of space. In this slim space the wallpaper dominate two walls to create a corner of interest, leaving the remaining walls as less of a focus – which helps to make them feel more detached from the feature walls.

    9. Invite a reflective sheen to smaller bathrooms

    Leaf patterned bathroom wallpaper with mirrored cabinets and oval ceramic sink

    Image credit: Future PLC

    In addition to adding pattern many modern wallpapers feature foil print which offers a level of sheen. In this small bathroom there is only one slim window at the far end meaning it is lacking in natural light. While often pattern can make a small space feel quite claustrophobic, a clever use of pattern can help to make the space feel bigger.

    Take for instance the leafy patterned paper above, with a foil print on top of a light duck egg blue background. The pattern picks up the light and bounces it back into the room, helping to soften the pattern and create a feeling of airiness and space.

    10. Bring hothouse style to an all-white suite


    Image credit: David Giles

    There are few better ways to add colour to a bathroom than with wallpaper. A tropical design like this can be complemented with real plants and towels in accent shades of aqua and pink. The pattern was actually designed by the bathroom's owner – if you fancy having a go yourself, you could use a website like Bags of Love.

    11. Choose a design that speaks to you


    Image credit: Clive Doyle

    The owner of this bathroom picked this beautiful koi carp design wallpaper as it reminded her of the years she'd spent living in Japan. It makes what is usually a functional space feel all the more special, and we love the way it coordinates with the blue glass used as a splash back next to the sink and shower. See more of this bathroom makeover.

    12. Match the paint

    Image credit: Paul Raeside

    Paint your walls, woodwork – or if you have it – panelling in the same shade as the background colour of your chosen wallpaper. This modern toile from Timorous Beasties looks gorgeous with the matching paint colour and heritage style sanitary-ware.

    13. Invite a glimpse of pattern

    Image credit: Heather Gunn

    Wallpaper doesn't actually have to be in the bathroom to enjoy the effect. If you have an open ensuite like the one shown here, papering a wall next to the bathroom in a bold palm print will bring colour and pattern to the space without overwhelming it. Adding in a real plant or two will unite the two rooms.

    14. Balance a bold botanical print

    Bathroom wallpaper ideas bold botanical print

    Image credit: Claire Lloyd Davies

    This standout botanical wallpaper not only adds stunning pops of colour, but the vibrant hues take the familiar metro tiled bathroom to a whole new magnificent level. Conversely, the paler shade of the tiles creates balance.

    15. Mix wallpaper with wood panelling


    Image credit: Tim Young

    Create a luxurious country feel in your bathroom by using a muted floral design in soft grey tones. Wooden wall panels can be used in the areas where water is likely to splash, and are in keeping with a traditional look.

    16. Pick something a little different

    flamingo wallpaper cloakroom with black vanity mirror with shelf

    Image credit: Future PLC

    If you're wallpapering a bathroom it's generally not a huge area to cover, particularly if you steer clear of the wet bath or shower areas, so it's a good chance to, erm, splash out on a more expensive or unusual wallpaper and have some fun.

    17. Frame a window with pattern

    Bathroom with monochrome damask wallpaper behind slipper bath

    Image credit: Douglass Gibb

    This pretty damask style wallpaper looks gorgeous next to this slipper bath – and the huge candelabra adds to the opulent feel of the room. Flickering candles are all the lighting you'd need for a long, relaxing soak in this tub, which looks fit for a queen.

    18. Maximise impact by papering a single wall

    fish design wall on one bathroom wall

    Image credit: Future PLC/ Claire Lloyd Davies

    Papering one feature wall is a proven way to make a statement. An added advantage of going for one feature wall 
in the bathroom is that you can target a wall furthest away from water. Plus, the smaller the area, the less wallpaper you'll need so you may be able to afford that designer roll you've been coveting!

    19. Encourage relaxation with marbled paper


    Image credit: Future PLC/ David Brittain

    Marbling is often used as a mindfulness exercise because it literally encourages people to go with the flow – you have no control over the paint or pattern created. That's why it's the perfect choice of pattern in a bathroom, as you can lose yourself in its arbitrary swirls.

    20. Combine wallpaper and tiles


    Image credit: Future PLC/ David Giles

    if you're worried about your wallpaper getting wet, but want to put it on the same wall as a water feature, try this treatment. Tile up to the point where splashes might reach, then wallpaper to the ceiling. It's a smart look and is more subtle that papering a full wall – if you're unsure about taking the plunge, so to speak, this might be the way to go about things.

    21. Go nautical


    Image credit: David Giles

    It's pretty obvious why bathrooms are suited to a coastal colour scheme, but you can take things further with a themed wallpaper. From fish (see above) to anchors to beach huts, there are plenty of directions to head in – we think this is one of the most fun.

    22. Add warmth with a wood effect


    Image credit: Mel Yates

    Want to tap into the wood panelling trend without breaking the bank? Why not create a feature wall using textured or printed wallpaper? This wood-print paper brings a cosy Scandinavian feel to the cooler metal and ceramic surfaces.

    23. Enhance a structural feature


    Image credit: Brent Darby

    If your bathroom is built into the eaves why not show off its striking proportions with wallpaper? In a light-filled space like this one, you can get away with something dark and dramatic as a striking Attic bathroom ideas.

    24. Clash patterns


    Image credit: Future PLC/ Claudia Dulak

    Mixing and matching bold patterns has given this bathroom a retro feel – just check out the wallpaper versus that dramatic floor tiling. If you're looking to channel 1970s chic, we advice you stick to a similar palette of orange and olive green. But use a lot of black and white, too, otherwise it could get too overwhelming – not ideal when you're trying to unwind in the bath.

    How to wallpaper a bathroom

    1. Measure up

    Choose a suitable wall to paper and measure the area to calculate how much wallpaper you will need. Avoid walls next to the shower, or directly behind the bath or basin, as water splashes could cause damage.

    2. Prepare the walls

    Damp walls must be treated, any cracks filled and glossy painted surfaces lightly sanded first. If the walls are freshly plastered, you must 'size' them using a coat or two of wallpaper primer.

    3. Keep the paper smooth

    Take care when hanging the paper to smooth out any air bubbles that form beneath the surface as you go. Use a squeegee to get rid of those imperfections. Otherwise, they will make the paper more likely to peel over time.

    4. Protect with varnish

    Once you have finished hanging the wallpaper, leave to dry fully before sealing with strong varnish to give a layer of protection against humid bathroom conditions. Try Decorators Varnish by Polyvine, £10.63 for 500ml. It's a durable overcoat that is available in matt or gloss finishes.


    Image credit: Future PLC/ David Giles

    Which type of wallpaper do I need for a bathroom?

    Most wallpaper is labelled according to use, and those suited to high-moisture rooms like kitchens and bathrooms are invariable vinyl. 'Scrubbable' wallpapers that are made from heavyweight vinyl 
or vinyl-coated are the best options, but also look for rolls labelled 'extra washable' or 'highly wash-resistant'.

    If you have your heart set on a paper that's only marked 'spongeable', or not cleanable at all, it's possible to boost its resilience using Polyvine's Decorators Varnish. Use the Dead Flat version, which won't alter the paper's colour, and do a test patch first. Don't forget to add the cost to your budget. A one-litre pot costs around £10.50 and will cover 15-20sq m. For best results, apply two to three coats.

    Can I paper all the walls in a bathroom?

    Yes, as long as you have a decent circumference of tiles around the bath and basin – aim for at least 60cm between water and wallpaper. But while maximalism is on trend, bathrooms are usually small, so if you're going all out do choose a soothing design that won't kick off your day with a headache.

    Video Of The Week

    A feature wall is a smart choice. You can afford to go much bolder and it's easier to keep your wallpaper away from splashes.

    Is wallpaper safe inside a shower?

    No, but you can get 100 per cent waterproof wall coverings that look like wallpaper and don't have the grout issues associated with tiles. for example, the Wall&Deco system available from west One bathrooms. It's expensive though and requires specialist installation. A cheaper option is to wallpaper behind a sealed glass shower enclosure or screen.

    Wallpaper In Bathroom With Shower

    Source: https://www.idealhome.co.uk/bathroom/bathroom-ideas/bathroom-wallpaper-ideas-90663
